The Thai call them "Pi Tong Luang" or The Spirit of the yellow leaves. The are known also by the names "Yumbri" and "Ma Ku". There are about 100 only of them.
Most of them are in Nan Province and some in Phrae. It is said that there are still some Mlabri in Kengtung in Burma.
They live in nomadic way in small groups up to 10-12. They are probably related to the Mon-Khmer people and may be the aboriginal people of Thailand, Laos, and may be Cambodia.
The Mlabri language is Austro-Asiatic. They are known to be hunters and gathering, the only like group in Asia. Today, most of them work for Hmong or Thai. They are animistic. If you want to see them - do not look for them by yourself - take a local guide !
The Mlabri used to rely almost exclusively on hunting and gathering. By custom it is not allowed to own rice fields but they can work as laborers in the fields such as the Thais.
Mlabri practise matrilineal descent. The basic unit of their social organization is the band, consisting of three to a dozen members.
They used to move their camp site every week depending on the availability of their natural food supply.
If you want to see them - do not look for them by yourself - take a local guide !
Provided by :: Tourism Authority of Thailand
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