
태국 산악부족 카무족/Kamu족 자료(영문)

태초 여행사 2009. 10. 13. 19:30


If you want to see the real Kamu, you should go to Laos. In Thailand they are few, most of them in Nan Province. Few are found in Kanchanaburi and Lampang provinces.

The Kamu are one of the small tribal groups, living along the Thai-Laotian border of Nan province. At the present there are about 10000 people of this tribe.

They originate from Laos, mainly of Luang Prabang and Xieng Khoung districts. They first migrated as labour and worked either in the teak forests or similarly isolated employment.




They are living now in small villages located on mountain slopes and survive on subsistence agriculture supplemented by hunting, fishing and trading.

The Kamu practice an animistic religion. In their native homeland Kamu shamans are considered to be excellent magico-religious practitioners and often participate in Laotian ceremonies.

Provided by :: Tourism Authority of Thailand