히치하이크를 하는 방법(How to Hitchhike)
Whether getting a lift to the corner shop, covering the four corners of the world or simply just in case, there is a method to the madness of hitchhiking. The following instructions have been collected from the experienced of many a weathered hitchhiker...
1단계: Invest in a good map.(좋은 지도에 투자하라)
2단계:Take precautions.(사전대책을 세워라)
- Scan your ID (and passport, if traveling internationally) and e-mail it to yourself. If it gets stolen, print out copies at a library. For passports, go to an embassy with your copies and do what you need to do to get a new passport. Americans will need to provide two passport photos and fill out a few forms to get a temporary passport.
- Have the phone number for your credit card company before you leave. If you lose your credit card, call them immediately, cancel your card, and have them send a new one to an address where you can receive it (like an embassy).
- Pack some pepper spray, in case you encounter a shady character, on or off the road.
3단계:Make a sign.(종이간판을 만들어라)
4단계:Find a good hitchhiking spot.(히치 하이크하기 좋은 위치를 찾아라)
- is on a straight stretch of road (700 meters in either direction) and, preferably, has an incline so drivers can see you for a longer time
- cars passing at less than 50 mph (80km/hr)
- enough lighting to make eye contact with passing drivers
- cars headed in your direction
- a visible and easily manageable pull-over and pick-up area
- does not have another hitchhiker in sight--if you see someone there first, go out of sight, and wait your turn.
- do not hitchhike next to a broken down vehicle,if the cops or the owner stop to investigate, that will be problems you do not need. Not to mention,most passing motorists, upon learning the vehicle isn't yours, will probably decline to give you a ride after discovering the deception you just presented.
5단계:Present yourself well( 멋진 모습을 보여줘라)
- One male hitchhiker shares the following observations:[2]
- you're less likely to get picked up if you wear too much denim
- shorts on male hitchers are looked down upon in many rural communities in the American South and West
- super short hair,tends to make people assume that you are AWOL from an institutional setting (prison, military,asylum, boarding school, etc), or recently released from any of the preceding.
- wearing sunglasses is not a good idea because it obscures eye contact
- couples tend to wait longer, based on 'real estate' issues in passing vehicles, however,, as long as you make it clear from the start that you're in a relationship with the woman, or else the driver might go after her; be protective
- rain will not increase your chances of getting picked up, especially if you're totally drenched. Snow, however, or a recent snowfall, however, tends to increase odds of getting a ride. People generally don't mind the occasional snowflake on their upholstery,as it brushes off easily, before it melts, but rain on clothes tends to collect in seat cushions.
6단계:Be selective about which rides you take.(어떤 교통수단을 이용할 것인지 선택하라)
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