
푸켓 서핑/써핑 가이드/Phuket Surfing Guide

태초 여행사 2009. 7. 26. 02:16




First off, Phuket is not a world class surfing destination.

우선, 푸켓은 세계수준의 서핑지역이 아니다.


If you want a surfing holiday then you are better off going somewhere else.

만약 당신이 서핑만의 여행이라면 다른 지역으로 가는 것이 낫다.


 That said, during the rainy season from May to October, there are rideable waves, which even though they aren't big can be a lot of fun. 그말은 5월부터 10월까지 우기철에 비록 충분한 크기는 아니지만 재미를 느낄 수 있는 탈만한 파도는 있다는 것을 의미한다.


For the rest of the year, it is almost totally flat  일년 중 나머지 기간동안은 바다는 거의 잔잔하다.


Too often the surf can be mushy and blown out. The best conditions occur after the monsoon winds have blown for a few days, then suddenly stop. 너무 자주  밀려드는 파도는 약하고, 빨리 사라진다. 최고의 상태는 몬순기의 바람이 며칠동안 불고나서 발생한다. 그리고 나서 갑자기 멈춘다.


The swell continues for several days after the wind has died.

파도의 굽이침은 바람이 사라진 후 몇번의  며칠동안 계속된다.

 Renting a Board(보드빌리기)

There are boards for rent at a couple of the more popular beaches, prices are pretty cheap, though most boards have more than a few dings. 몇몇의 몰리는 비치에는 보드를 렌트할 수 있다. 가격은 매우 저렴하다. 비록 대부분의 보드가  몇개의 흠이 나긴했지만.


Try Saltwater Dreaming at Surin Beach, or the stalls at the southern end of the beach at Kata Yai if you haven't brought your own. 수린비치의 Saltwater Dreaming 을 찾아가거나 아니면 까타비치의 남쪽 끝 가판점을 찾아가라. 만약 보드를 살 수 없다면...




Phuket Surf Spots(푸켓 서핑지점)

All of the breaks are found on Phuket's west coast and are mostly beach breaks, with the occasional reef break. From North to South, the main spots are:

Surin Beach

Popular surf spot, which can get quite big at the height of the monsoon, otherwise provides fun, rideable waves. Surin beach info

Kamala Beach

Beautiful beach with a very relaxed atmosphere. The best breaks are at the northern end. Kamala beach info


Just north of Patong, this sheltered rocky bay is one of the best surf spots on the island when the swell is big. Can get a little busy for Phuket standards when the surf is good. Breaks onto a rocky bottom. Kalim bay info


Just about rideable for beginners when there's a swell but that's about it. Patong is too sheltered to get any decent waves. Patong beach info


This long beach is a little too exposed to develop any good breaks, though the waves can be quite big for Phuket. Best when the waves are big enough to break but not too big to make it close out. Karon beach info


Ideal for beginners, the southern end of this beach is probably the most popular spot on Phuket. Can be a great spot when the conditions are right, but rides are fairly short. Kata beach info

Nai Harn

The southernmost beach on Phuket's west coast, Nai Harn is possibly the best spot on Phuket and never gets crowded. Long rides and occasional barrels. Nai Harn beach info





푸켓에 대한 자세한 안내및 푸켓호텔,투어,스파,마사지,쇼,교통편관련 문의및 예약은

푸켓여행사-태초클럽(http://www.taechoclub.com)을 통해 가능합니다.



Phuket Surfing Resources(푸켓서핑회사)