코사무이/꼬사무이 교통정보(항공/차량/훼리)
Koh Samui Travel Info(코사무이교통정보)
 Getting there by air, car or ferries(항공,차,훼리)
Koh Samui is easily accessed by air, land and sea. The majority of international travellers arrive by air, via Bangkok, Phuket or Singapore. Bangkok Airways has a number of daily flights to the island, making this the most convenient way to get there. Daily ferries operating from several piers along the mainland coastal area of Surat Thani also carry many passengers to the island.
By Air:

Bangkok Airways |
Bangkok Airways operates more than 40 flights a day on its Bangkok-Samui(방콕-사무이), Samui-Phuket(사무이-푸켓), Samui-Pattaya (U-Tapao)(사무이-파타야), Samui-Krabi(사무이-크라비) and Samui-Singapore(사무이-싱가폴) routes.
Flying time between Bangkok and Samui is about one hour, while the flights on the Samui-Phuket and Samui-Pattaya routes take less than 45 minutes.
방콕에서 사무이까지는 약1시간, 사무이-푸켓, 사무이-파타야는 45분 미만이 걸린다.
Whatever you do, don't forget your baggage at the international terminal in Bangkok!
(무슨 비행기를 타든 방콕 국제공항에서 짐을 찾는 것을 잊지 말아라!)
Your baggage will not be automatically redirected to your Samui flight, so you'll have to pick it up, move to the domestic terminal and check-in your baggage again. 당신의 짐은 자동적으로
사무이 비행기에 실리지는 않을 것이다. 따라서 당신은 짐을 찾아 국내선 터미널로 가서 짐을 다시
체크인해야 한다.
International Terminal 2 |