카오락/Khao Lak 안내 - 푸켓북쪽 해변휴양지
카오락은 태국남부의 관광지로 손꼽히는 팡아지역내에 위치한 해변휴양지 지역으로 팡아지역에서 약 25킬로미터 떨어져 있다,
이들 리조트는 태국호텔 전문사이트인 태초클럽 여행사(http://www.taechoclub.com)을 통해서 문의및 예약이 가능하다.
태초클럽 여행사의 호텔예약가격은 매우 저렴하다.
카오락 국립공원은 1991년 8월에 국립공원으로 지정되었으며, 카오락 람푸/Khaolak Lampu 국립공원 이름을 따서 이름이 지어졌다. 약 150평방킬로미터에 이르는 넓은 지역을 포함한다, 카오락 지역에는 암퍼 타이무앙/ Thai Muang, 암퍼카농/ Kapong, 암퍼타쿠파/ Takua Pa , 암퍼무앙/ Amphoe Muang 지역을 망라한다, 카오락 지역은 5월부터 비수기로 접어드는데 가장 주된 이유는 카오락지역의 탑라무 선착장에서 보트를 타고 가는 시밀란섬 와 북쪽 쿠라바디 선착장에서 가는 수린섬을 닫아버리기 때문이다.
그러나, 조용하면서도 널직한 공간들을 가진 리조트들의 숙박비가 저렴해 장기간 여행을 즐기는 유럽인들이 여전히 많아
비수기에도 왠만한 리조트들은 대략 40-60%의 방을 채울 수 있다.
카오락 대부분의 리조트들은 카오락의 중앙이라 불리우는 방라온/Bang La on 지역까지 가는 무료 또는 유료셔틀버스가 있다.
방라온 지역에는 많은 레스토랑, 바, 편의점, 여행사, 마사지샵이 있다. 충분한 ATM머신이 세븐 일레븐 앞등에 위치하고 있어
방니앙 지역은 다양한 가격대의 리조트들이 즐비하다, 라마다 리조트로부터 시작해 사눅방갈로까지, 방라온 지역은 주로 3.4성급 리조트들이 물려있는데 낭통비치에는 반카오락 리조트, 선셋비치에는 파라다이스 리조트가 위치한다. 카오락 남쪽지역인 카오락 람루 국립공원 지역에는 유명한 르메르디앙 카오락 리조트와 부티크 리조트인 룩안와디 리조트가 위치한다.
카오락을 가장 쉽게 갈 수 있는 방법은 푸켓공항에서 차량을 이용해 가는 것이다. 물론, 크라비 공항에서도 갈 수 있다.
두 공항은 국내선은 물론 국제선 공항이다. 푸켓공항에서 카오락 까지는 미터기 택시로 대략 1100-1600밧정도나오며. 이 비용이 부담스러우면 공항에서 약 4킬로미터 떨어진 메인도로인 고속도로 4번 도로/Highway 4에서 버스를 타고 이동할 수 있다.
푸켓 공항 안내소에서 안내를 받아 미터기택시를 타고 이 곳에 갈 수 있다.
이 곳에서 타쿠파/Takupa 라농/Ranong, 수랏타니/Suarat thanI로 가는 버스를 타면 된다. 이들 버스는 손님이 요청하면 가장 가까운도로나 버스 정류장에서 정차한다. 카오락은 푸켓공항에서 80-100킬로미터 떨어진 곳으로 에어컨버스로대략 80-100밧이다.
기차로 갈 경우 방콕훨람퐁역에서 수랏타니역으로 가는 기차를 타고 이동하면 된다. 수랏타니 버스 터미널에서 카오락지역으로
가는 버스들이 있다.
방콕에서 카오락으로 가는 경우는 남부버스 터미널인 사이타이 버스 터미널에서 타면 된다.
소요시간은 10시간이며 요금은 500밧이다. 여행사를 통해서 갈 경우에는 일반적으로 수랏타니 지역에서 다른 버스로 갈아탄다.
춤폰에서 푸켓으로 가는 버스들이 약 5시간 걸려 카오락에 도착한다. 이들 버스들은 춤폰에서 카오락까지 270밧이다.
카오락에서 출발하는 버스들은 낭통 슈퍼마켓 반대편에서 이용가능한데, 오전 10시에 방콕으로 가는 버스가, 오전11시와 오후5시에 푸켓으로 가는 버스가 있고 오전 11시 50분에 수랏타니로 가는 버스가 있다.
푸켓에서 카오락을 갈 경우에는 푸켓타운 로열푸켓시티호텔앞 버스 터미널에서 타쿠파/Takupa, 라농/Ranong, 수랏타니로 가는 버스를 타면 된다. 약 2시간 소요되며, 오전 6시 30분, 오전9시, 오전11시 40분, 오후 1시, 오후 3시 40분, 오후 4시 20분, 오후 5시, 오후 5시 50분에 출발한다. 이 버스들이 타쿠파에서 내릴 경우 요금은 90밧이다.
타쿠파에서 카오락지역으로 가는 차량들은 시간마다 있다. 크라비에서는 매일 카오락으로 가는 미니버스가 있다 모든 여행사들이 티켓을 판매한다.
카오락의 교통수단
유럽인들은 주로 오토바이를 헨트해서 카오락지역을 즐긴다. 그렇지 않을 경우 보통은 주요도로를 오가는 썽테우를 탄다.
대부분의 리조트들이 도로변에 입구를 가지고 있지만 로비는 안쪽 깊숙한 곳에 위치하므로 리조트안으로 이동시 불편할 수 있다.
리조트마다 무료 또는 유료셔틀버스가 있으므로 이 것을 최대한 이용하는 것이 현명하다.
리조트내의 차량들은 카오락 주요지역까지 유료로 서비스를 제공하는데, 이 경우 대부분 200-500밧선이다.
카오락의 관광지
- 충파 폭로/Chong Fah Waterfall 7 km inland (half is unimproved dirt road) off Rt 4, at the northern end of Bang Niang. Turn is marked with a blue signpost. Great for hot days. Enjoy a short swim. Very scenic and accessible to all. 100 baht for foreigners/50 baht for children. It is open from 08:00-16:30.
- 폴리스보트 813/Police Boat 813 Was one of two police boats guarding Khun Phum Jensen, son of former royal Princess Ubol Ratana (his father was an American, hence the last name) at the time of the 2004 tsunami. Khun Phum was jet-skiing when the wave struck, and he and the entire crew of one of the police boats (which was sunk) died. This is the other boat, which was swept approximately 2 km inland and has been left where the tsunami deposited it as a memorial and historical landmark. Extensive works during low season 2012 are underway to develop the site into a park with museum.
- 타쿠파 올드타운/,Tuapa & Old Town. At Takuapa Old Town you will find Sino-Portuguese architecture and have the chance to wander around the quaint shops (best in the early morning), about 45 min drive from Khao Lak. Takuapa Market and River Plaza are in the new town, slightly closer to Khao Lak (near the bus station). This is a typical local market and the Plaza has some good shops and a few riverside restaurants.edit
- 람피폭포/Rampi Waterfall. About 30 min south of Khao Lak just off highway 4. A very nice waterfall, best viewed in the early morning as the sun rises from behind the mountains and the rays shine through the mist. The falls are only a short walk from the car park, making access easy for all. There is a small shop on-site where you can buy drinks (including tea and coffee), ice cream and souvenirs. There are also toilets on-site. Swimming in the water below the falls is permitted and appears reasonably safe.edit
- 카오속 국립공원/Khao Sok National Park. A visit to Khao Sok National Park will allow activities including jungle trekking on foot or elephant, visiting waterfalls & river rafting/canoeing. Around 1 hr drive northeast of Khao Lak. A good day out and accommodations are available for extended visits.edit
- 카오락 람루 국립공원/Khao Lak Lam Ru National Park. Nice walks and a restaurant (not open in the evening). Between Nang Thong and Khao Lak beaches. Walkable from the resorts in Bang La on.edit
- Cheow Lan Lake and Rachaphrapha Dam. Just two hours north of Khao Lak off highway 401. Superb views over the lake to the limestone ridges. Boat trips are available to rafts (for overnight accommodation you will need to pre book at Khao Sok National Park HQ or book the trip via a tour agency).edit
- Saori Foundation Centre, Bang Muang (Drive north from Khao Lak and Bang Niang to Ban Muang; go through the built up area and a few hundred metres further on you will see on the left an official-looking entrance... turn left into it and find the Saori workshop along on the left.). A women's workshop which develops its own textile designs after a Japanese monk showed tsunami survivors how to weave and earn a living. Visitors are welcome Mon-Sat.edit
즐길 거리
- 다이빙
IQ Diving, 4/42 Moo 7 Khuk Khak, Amphoe Takuapa (Opposite McDonald's on main road), ☎ +66 76485614 (mobile) (sh_erin@live.de), [1]. Diving & snorkelling in Khao Lak, visiting the Similan Islands, Tin barge wrecks and local sites. Small or large groups, safety focused and family friendly.edit
- Khao Lak Diving, 4/17 Moo 7, Bang La on (next to Viking Steakhouse, central Bang La on), ☎ +66 76 485 868 (info@khao-lak-diving.com), [2]. Diving in Khao Lak, visiting the Similan Islands, Richelieu Rock and local dive sites. Small groups, safety focused and family-friendlyedit
- Kon-Tiki Khao Lak Diving & Snorkeling Center, 13/128 Moo 7, Bang La on (turn towards sea at the Nang Thong Supermarket (Nang Thong Rd). ~200 m down on left.), ☎ +66 76 485 378 (info@kontiki-khaolak.com), [3]. Established in 1996, Kon-Tiki is one of the longest running dive centers in Khao Lak offering daily dive trips, PADI dive education, and liveaboards to the best dive sites in Thailand.edit
- Manta Point Dive Center, 91 Moo 6, Bang La on (adjacent to Dr. Chusak, Krungsri Bank, north end of town), ☎ +66 76 485 624 (info@mantapoint.com), [4]. Khao Lak dive safaris since 1999. Liveaboards to Similan Islands and Richelieu Rock with daily departures for any duration. Richelieu Rock day trips and PADI courses.edit
- Sea Dragon Dive Center, 5/51 Moo 7, Khao Lak, Khuk Khak, Takuapa (north end of Bang La on, inland side of Rt 4, 50 m south of The Book Tree), ☎ +66 76 485 420 (info@seadragondivecenter.com), [5]. 5 Star PADI IDC Center specialising in liveaboards and day trips to the Similan Islands, Koh Bon, Richelieu Rock, and local reefs and wrecks. Established in 1993, Khao Lak's original dive center now offers 6 different boats and 10 different diving and snorkelling trips. All ages, tastes, styles and budgets catered for. Many languages spoken and small diving groups guaranteed.edit
- Similan Dive Center-Geo Expedition, 22/37 Moo 4, Bang La on (across Rt 4 from Bangkok Bank), ☎ +66 76 485 792 (info@geo-expedition.com). Open all year. Khao Lak ecological dive centre offers diving in a friendly atmosphere with an experienced crew. Day trips and daily departing liveaboards to the Similan Islands, Koh Bon, Koh Tachai and Richelieu Rock. Official Mares Dive Centre with a large range of diving and snorkelling equipment. Operated by Khao Lak residents with over 20 years of experience in environmental research and diving.edit
- Thailand Dive & Sail (Khao Lak Dive Centre), 4/88 Moo 7, Soi Bang La on (on the side street leading to Banana Bungalows near the Viking Restaurant), ☎ +66 87 887 3878 (info@thailanddiveandsail.com), [6]. Reliable, independent information and booking services for scuba diving, snorkelling and sailing trips to the Similan Islands.edit
- Wicked Diving, Khao Lak, 4/17 Moo 7, Bang La on (on main road, next to Viking Steakhouse in Bang La on), ☎ +66 76 485 868 (info@wickeddiving.com), [7]. Operating liveaboards on 3 and 5 day expeditions to the Similan and Surin Islands.edit
- Sign Scuba, 5/11 Moo 7, Bang La on (on main road, near Viking Steakhouse), ☎ +66 76 485 886, [8]. Thai/Euro-run dive center doing liveaboards, day trips, PADI and SSI courses out of Khao Lak. Been operating 20 or so years on the same dive sites so know their stuff.edit
[edit] Snorkelling
Khao Lak is the most convenient point from which to go snorkelling in the Surin Islands and Similan Islands, which offer some of Thailand's best coral and fish diversity and numbers. It takes usually 1-2 hours by speedboat to get to the islands. There are several companies which offer 1/2/3 day tours.
- Similan Tour, 1/6 Khao Lak, Lam Kaen, Thai Muang, Phangnga, ☎ +66 76 443258 (info@similantour.com), [9]. A very well organised snorkeling-only liveaboard for 3d/2n, departing Tuesdays and Fridays. Swedish management who also run the Poseidon Bungalows. 7,400 baht. edit
- Khao Lak Land Discovery, 21/5 Moo 7, Bang La on (just south of the Discovery Cafe, central Bang La on), ☎ +66 76 485 411 (info@khaolaklanddiscovery.com, fax: +66 76 485 412), [10]. Professionally operated and guided snorklling tours (daytrips and overnight) to Similan and Surin Islands with German, Swedish, and English guides.edit
- Wicked Diving & Snorkeling Center, 4/17 Moo 7 Khuk Khak, Takuapa, Phang Nga (Located on Main Road - Right next to Viking Steakhouse), ☎ +66 76 485 868 (info@wickeddiving.com), [11]. Offering guided overnight tours of the Surin islands - in maximum group sizes of 6 guests.edit
- Sea Star, 5/12 Moo7, Kukkak, Takuapa, Phang Nga, 82190 Thailand, ☎ +66 76 485595 (info@seastarandaman.com, fax: +66 76 485515), [12]. Specialized on snorkeling to Tachai Islands.edit
- Andaman Snorkel Discovery, 5/52 Moo 7, T. Khukkhak, A. Takuapa, (info@andamansnorkeldiscovery.com, fax: +66 76 485326), [13]. The only company that offers a 3 day / 3 night snorkelling liveaboard trip to Similan Islands & Koh Bon & Koh Tachai & Surin Islands. This mix is absolutely unique for snorkellers.edit
- Pakarang Surf Shop, 28/5 Moo 7, Khuk Khak, Takuapa, Phang Nga (in Khao Lak, 1 hour north of Phuket), ☎ +66 76 485 350, [14]. 09:00-17:00. Surf shop in Khao Lak, Thailand. Board rental and good surf spot. 3 breaks on Cape Pakarang plus good beach breaks around Khao Lak. 300 baht/hr. (8°43'38.04N,98°13'36.50E) edit
- Coconut Grove, (on the beach in Bang Niang). Features great food and very nice views for sunsets.edit
- Green Pepper, 67/145 Moo 5 Bang Niang, Khuk Khak, Takuapa (near the Bang Niang market and Andaman Diving Shop), ☎ +66 85 655 7626. 16:00 - until late. Thai seafood and western cuisine in a nice atmosphere. Also cooking classes where you can follow to the market and select the food that you will cook personally.edit
- Hill Tribe Restaurant, Bang Niang, Phetkasem Rd. 13/22 Moo 6, Khuk Khak, Takuapa (Next to RT Hotel, 500 m from the market direction Khao Lak centre), ☎ +66 86 283 0933, [15]. Thai food including dishes from North Thailand. Decorated with original items from Chiang Rai.edit
- Ingfah, Bang Niang Beach (across from Casa de La Flora), ☎ +66 76 428 99 (info@casadelaflora.com). 17:00-01:00. Traditional Thai food in an ultra-modern, chic, open-air setting. Glass of beer: 50 baht; Prix fixe meals at 350, 450, 600 baht. edit
- Khao Niau, Sea side of Rt 4, central Bang Niang (opposite the Tsunami Police Boat, just south of the local market), (info@khao-niau.com). 12:00-22:00. Thai food, including dishes from Issan. Menu in Thai/German/English. Cooking classes, delicious food.edit
- Krua Ying Or, Khuk Khak (50 m south of the the area's only petrol station on the opposite side of the road, adjacent to Soi Sam Phan at the sign for Khao Lak Sauna.). 09:00-22:00. Open air, dirt floors, but excellent food. English menu but no sign in English (or Thai for that matter). Pad Thai Gai 40 baht, Pad Thai Goong 45 baht, cocktail 100 baht. Very welcoming staff.edit
- Lucky Seafood, 60/18 Moo 5, Bang Niang (find the 7-11 on the main road. Restaurant is about 100 m behind it on road to the sea), ☎ +66 83 639 9731. 14:00-22:00. Very clean restaurant with an extensive Thai/Western menu. Run by a Thai lady along with her Swedish husband and her sister. Excellent, ample portions. Prices typical for Thai restaurants serving a tourist clientele. Full bar. edit
- Mama's Greeting, On the beach (JW Marriott Khao Lak beachfront. Turn right and walk about 300 m. Last restaurant of a string of restaurants and massage shops). 09:00-21:00. Cute, clean, and pleasant spot with Thai and Western food and an accommodating staff.edit
- O'Connor's Irish Pub, Nang Thong Beach (near the 7-11 shop and Dr. Chusak). Thai and international food. Guinness and Kilkenny on tap and over 20 different single malt whiskies. Can arrange a Thai cooking course. Korean/Thai BBQ.edit
- O'Rendez-vous, 5/42 Moo 7 Bang La on (Khao Lak centre) (opposite Andaburi Resort, next to Sea Dragon), ☎ +66 835 90 8002. 16:00 till late. Thai and French cuisine with a big choice of international dishes, nice atmosphere and multilingual service. The place also serves as a bar with a local expatriate crowd, offering a variety of music including soul/jazz/lounge in the early hours. Cocktails, free WiFi and shisha. Closed in low-season. Main dishes from 90-420 baht. edit
- Phen Restaurant (formerly Mr. Kon's Family, Phen's Place), Khuk Khak Beach (first restaurant to the right (facing sea) of the JW Marriott Hotel beach). 09:00-22:00 daily. Thai and seafood beach restaurant with a wide range of tasty dishes. It has very nice sunset views and an informal and friendly atmosphere. Tour information from the owner, Mrs. Phen. Sunchairs, parasols, shower, traditional Thai massage, and taxi service available.edit
- Pinocchio Restaurant, 67/1 Moo 7 Petkasem Rd. Bang Niang, Khuk Khak, Takuapa., ☎ +66 89 923 2395, [16]. Italian restaurant open all year.edit
- Pizza Pasta & Steak, Khuk Khak (across from Khuk Khak 7-11 on the sea side of road), ☎ +66 87 2693928. 10:00-22:00, closed Weds. Small restaurant run by Thai couple, one of whom is a former chef at Le Meridien. Pasta made on the premises. Portions are small by Western standards, but so are the prices: the most expensive thing on the menu is T-bone steak 180 baht. Pizzas (tiny) and salads are terrific. No WiFi. Caveat: there is a restaurant of the same name almost directly across the road.edit
- Pizzeria da Luciano, 4/22 Moo.2, Lam Kaen, ☎ +66 76 484645. Italian style pizza and pasta. 160-600 baht. edit
- Pizzeria Portofino, (Bang Niang Beach near police boat and 7-11). edit
- Shire's Pie Shop, Central Bang Niang (next to Mars Bar, across from Tsunami Museum, inland side of road). 07:00-18:00. British pie & mash shop serving English breakfast. Great WiFi. Pie & mash or pie & peas: chicken & mushroom, chicken curry, Cornish pasty, mince & onion, steak pie, steak & kidney, sausage rolls. Pies can be purchased frozen for take-away. Homemade bread also for sale. Owner is Steve. Pie, 70 baht. edit
- Sweet Peas, (walking distance from Tony Lodge). Thai and Western cuisine.edit
- Takieng Restaurant, 26/43 Moo 5, Bang Niang (just north of the Police Boat on the same side of Rt 4). Decorated with many items brought from the owners home town in northern Thailand. Open most of the year.edit
- The Garden, 67/144 Moo 5, Bang Niang Beach. (Near Ramada, Casa de la Flora), ☎ +66 81 089 0170, [17]. 15:00-23:00. Cocktails 99 baht. A tropical garden restaurant. Lobster on request. Tiger prawns, mussels, oysters, BBQ meat or seafood. Thai breakfast 07:00-10:00. Fresh fruit juice, shake & smoothie, ice cream, tea & coffee, iced or hot. Offers a free pick up at your hotel.edit
- Gekko Bar, (Central Bang Niang. Turn left at the 7-11, proceed for ~100 m to where a dirt road forks off to the left. Bar is located there). Opens ~19:00 in high season, ~21:00 in low. Closes when the party's over. Great late-night bar, run by a very gracious Thai couple, Black and Ling. Pool table, professional Foosball table, a rarity in Thailand, excellent WiFi. Clientele is a mix of expats and vacationers. Open year-round. Beer 70 baht. edit
- Jungle Bar and Restaurant, Jerung St, Bang Niang (take the road adjacent to the 7-11 towards the beach (Chai Hat Bang Niang Rd). Go ~700 m, turn right across from the Mukdara Resort onto a small soi and travel to the end.), ☎ +66 819 682 443. 10:00-02:00. Great restaurant for Western and Thai fare at reasonable prices. Serves high quality cocktails. Open year-round. 80-400 baht. edit
- Mars Bar, Central Bang Niang (across the highway from the Tsunami Museum, ~150m south of the Police Boat). 9:00-~24:00. It's hard to miss the Mars Bar, with its bright orange exterior. And you would not want to miss it. The English proprietor, Mars, runs a great establishment with his Thai partner, Mem. Best coffee in the area and a broad menu that includes homemade bread, British staples like bangers & mash, as well as Thai food. Beer & cocktails at very reasonable prices. Great, free WiFi. A favourite feature is the Mars Bar "lending library", a wide collection of mostly thrillers in English, German, Nordic and otherlanguages. You won't find a more welcoming place in Khao Lak. Open year-round. Beer from 70 baht. edit
- Mr. Chay Bar, Bang Niang Market (central Bang Niang on the sea side of highway). 14:00-02:00. Mondays, Wednesdays, & Saturdays, are market days in Bang Niang. Vendors sell everything from clothing to fresh shrimp. There are lots of prepared food stalls to choose from too. on the south side of the market, under a large tamarind tree, you will find this very pleasant and reasonable bar, run by Mr. Chay, who speaks serviceable English and German. A good place to stop to enjoy the passing scene. No WiFi. Open year-round.edit
- Moo Moo Cabaret Show, Central Bang Niang (Moo Moo is moving during low season 2012. New location to come), ☎ +66 76 486 156. Daily show in high season. No cover charge. Show time 21:45. Khao Lak's original cabaret show, a great night out for ll the family. Cocktails, beers and soft drinks served. Closed low-season.edit
- Song's Bar, Market Fair grounds, Bang Niang (Central Bang Niang, behind 7-11 on north side of market). Variable, opens early evening on market days, M-W-Sa. Funky, open air bar run by Khun Wan and David. Good music, largely expat clientele. Very popular, especially on market days (M-W-Sa). Serves bar snacks. Stays open as long as there are customers. No WiFi. Open year-round. Beer, 60 baht. edit
- Tha Bar, (Bang Niang, inland side, near Riverside Guesthouse). 19:00-02:00. Small, fun bar run by a Thai lady named Tha. Very accommodating and friendly. Entertaining bar hostesses, will have a pool table for the 2012-2013 season. No WiFi. Closed during low season (May-Oct).edit
- Amsterdam Resort, Bang Niang Soi 3, Bang Niang Beach (at Bang Niang 7-11 turn towards sea (Chai Hat Bang Niang Rd). Proceed until sea is in view. Turn right on Bang Niang Soi 1. Turn at first right (unnamed street). Turn left at Bang Niang Soi 3. Hotel on left, ~50 m), ☎ +66 818 575 881 (keeshuahinth@hotmail.com), [18]. Affordable bungalow resort close to the beach. Different types of bungalows and rooms. Has a restaurant and rents out motorbikes, and there is an computer room, free WiFi and an in-house travel agency. 600-1,100 baht. edit
- Baan Palm Thong Guesthouse, 26/42 Moo 5, Petkasem Rd (Central Bang Niang, directly across Route 4 (Petkasem Road) from 7-11), ☎ +66 764 86 771, [19]. checkin: 14:00; checkout: 12:00. Open year-round. Big, yellow guesthouse with about 20 A/C rooms with refrigerator, cable TV, hot showers, decent WiFi. Rooms in low-season range from 300-600 baht, more during high season (Oct-Apr). Clean, great location, easy access to all Khao Lak beaches. Manager's name is Lek, assistant is Gae. 300-600 low season. edit
- Banana Bungalows, Bang La on (south end of Bang La on, inland side, on Soi Bang La onof road), ☎ +66 76 485 889, [20]. Comfortable, homey place with no pretentiousness. A/C, TV, pool, WiFi, motorbike rental, restaurant on premises. Airport transfer to Phuket: 1,500 baht (1-6 persons). 600-1,200 baht depending on room and season. edit
- Briza Beach Resort, [21]. New resort at Khao Lak Beach, south of the headland. 1,400-2,300 baht. edit
This guide uses the following price ranges for a standard double room: | |
Budget | budget |
Mid-range | midrange |
Splurge | splurge |
- Casa de La Flora, 67/213 Moo 5, Bang Niang Beach (left at the Bang Niang 7-11, follow road to end, turn right, hotel on beach front at left), ☎ +66 76 428 999, [22]. checkin: 14:00; checkout: 12:00. One of the Best New Hotels by Conde Nast Traveler’s Hot List 2012, located directly on the beautiful, palm-fringed beach of Khao Lak. Free mini-bar. Studio Pool Villa: 9,951-16,200 baht; Presidential Suite: 37,315-70,460 baht depending on season. edit
- Chongfah Beach Resort (Chongfah Resort), 54/1 Moo 5, Bang Niang Soi 1 (at Bang Niang 7-11 turn towards sea (Chai Hat Bang Niang Rd). Proceed until sea is in view. Turn right on Bang Niang Soi 1. Hotel on left, ~50 m), ☎ +66 76 486 858, [23]. checkin: 14:00; checkout: 12:00. Deluxe room 3,500 baht in summer season, 6,300 in high season, 7,800 in peak season. edit
- Cousin Resort, Bang Niang, ☎ +66 76 486 680, +66 76 486 681, [24]. checkin: 12:00; checkout: 13:00. For an A/C bungalow, prices range from 1,000-2,000 baht depending on the season; an air-con room runs 750-1500 baht. Other choices of accommodation available.. edit
- Happy Lagoon Resort, Nang Thong Rd, Bang La on (turn towards beach at the Nang Thong Supermarket. ~400 m down on the left). Modern (built 2007), duplex brick bungalows in a pleasant garden setting with no pool. on-premises bar and restaurant has prices similar to those on the main road. Hot water in the bathrooms. Car parking spaces opposite reception. 700 baht for a fan room (no TV) in high season and 400 baht in low season, 1,000 baht for an A/C room with TV in high season, 700 baht in low season. Breakfast is not included. edit
- Haadson Resort, 30/1 Moo 7, Bang Muang, Takuapa, ☎ +66 76 593-510, [25]. Modern Thai-style beach retreat. This is perhaps the northernmost "Khao Lak" hotel. 3,000-7,500 baht depending on room and season. edit
- Jerung Guesthouse, (central Bang La on, sea side of road), ☎ +66 76 485 815, [26]. Convenient location in the thick of Bang La on. A modern and friendly place to stay. 1,200-1,500 baht depending on season. edit
- JW Marriott Khao Lak Resort & Spa, 41/12 Moo 3, Khuk Khak (north on Route 4 past Khuk Khak centre. After ~2 km turn towards beach at the huge JW Marriott sign, then follow directional signs), ☎ +66 76 584 888 (bookmarriott@marriotthotels.com), [27]. checkin: 15:00; checkout: 12:00. Voted one of the world's top new hotels in 2010" by Condé Nast. Known for its beach, high-end facilities, and the longest swimming pool in Southeast Asia. Low season: 4,320-24,800 baht. edit
- Khao Lak Bhandari Resort, 26/25 Moo 7, Bang La on (turn towards beach at the Nang Thong Supermarket (Nang Thong Rd). Turn right at road's end. Hotel on right, ~75 m), [28]. Luxury resort on lovely grounds. Rooms and bungalows finished throughout in rich, exotic wood. Nice pool. Staff great. Off-season rates can be bargained down considerably, don't be afraid to haggle. Two peculiarities of the place: room numbers in Thai numerals, not Arabic, which can lead to some initial confusion. Poor bathroom lighting means that shaving is essentially done in the dark. WiFi available only in the area of the lobby/restaurant, not in the room. 2,000-6,000 baht. edit
- Khao Lak Emerald Beach Resort & Spa, [29]. 4 star Thai-designed resort on Khao Lak Beach. 1,850-12,000 baht. edit
- Khao Lak Mountain View Bungalows, 38/45 Moo 4, Khuk Khak (in Khuk Khak, turn at Scandinavian Corner Bar. Go ~4 km to golf driving range), ☎ +66 81 892 6614 (goldenhi@cdc.ji-net.com). Quiet, off-the-beaten-track clean, modern bungalows in a park-like setting well off the main road in Khuk Khak. on the site of a golf driving range which is free for the use of bungalow residents. 10 bungalows in two different sizes: 47 sm and 62 sm. Each includes weekly cleaning & linen service, TV, A/C. microwave, refrigerator. Daily, weekly, monthly rates. Larger units are 1,000 baht per day or 12,000 baht per month. Smaller are 800 baht/day, or 10,000 baht/month. Discounted if you stay longer. Internet connection is intermittent and cell phone signal can be poor at this location.edit
- La Flora Resort & Spa, (turn towards sea at the Bang Niang 7-11 onto Chai Hat Bang Niang Rd. At ~400 m turn left on Soi Pak Klong Bang Niang (hotel signs posted). At fork in road, ~200 m, bear right. Hotel on right, ~100 m), [30]. checkin: 14:00; checkout: 12:00. 70 rooms and villas. The resort is located on Bang Niang Beach. Deluxe room: 6,345-9,045 baht; Jacuzzi villa: 25,650-28,350 baht, depending on season. edit
- Le Meridien Khao Lak, 9/9 Moo 1, Khuk Khak, ☎ +66 76 427 500, [31]. 3,225-21,920 baht low season. edit
- Motive Cottage, 26/16 Moo 5, Bang Niang (central Bang Niang, across road from 7-11 and slightly north ~50 m), [32]. Simple resort located in the middle of Bang Niang. 10 minute walk to the beach. Free WiFi. 875-2,300 baht. edit
- Poseidon Bungalows, 1/6 Khao Lak, Lam Kaen, ☎ +66 76 443 258 (info@similantour.com, info@similantour.com), [33]. Located a few km south of town centre and has a small beach of its own. 2-person bungalow is 900 baht per night, a 4-person bungalow is 1,400 baht per night (for 2-persons, 1,200 baht and for 3-persons,1,300 baht). Arranges snorkelling trips to Similan Islands, see the Do section.edit
- Ramada Resort Khao Lak, 59 Moo 5, Bang Niang (turn towards sea at the Bang Niang 7-11 onto Chai Hat Bang Niang Rd. At ~400 m turn left on Soi Pak Klong Bang Niang (hotel signs posted). At fork in road, ~200 m, bear left. Hotel on right, ~50 m), ☎ +66 76 427 777 (rsvn@ramadakhaolak.com, rsvn@ramadakhaolak.com), [34]. Low season: 3,100-6,900 baht. edit
- Riverside Guesthouse, Central Bang Niang (Near the stranded Police Boat (same side of road, towards Khao Lak), ☎ +66 819 637 243, [35]. checkout: 12:00. Clean, reasonably priced guesthouse conveniently located across the highway from the thrice-weekly market (M-W-Sa). Run by the English-speaking Appun (Thai for "Apple")and her husband. Both are very accommodating and helpful. Motorbike rentals possible also. Rooms range from fan-only to A/C. All rooms with bath en suite. Prices shown are starting prices, longer stays negotiable. 350-800 baht. edit
- Seafan Bed & Breakfast, 26/84 Moo 7 Petchkasem Road, Bang La on (Opposite Khaolak Laguna, south end of Bang La on, inland side), ☎ +66 76 485762, [37]. checkin: 14:00; checkout: 12:00. Newly renovated (December 2011) 14 room bed & breakfast. Clean rooms, cozy common area. Free WiFi, complimentary coffee/tea and cookies and great continental breakfast. Delicious European bread: dark and multigrain. Great mix of western and touch of Thai with local breakfast dishes and tropical fruit at a very reasonable price. 5 mins walk to Nang Thong Beach and Bang La on's central shopping and entertainment district. English spoken, staff very helpful. 690-750 baht. edit
- Tiffy's Cafe & Restaurant, 5/15 Moo 6, Bang La on (north end Bang La on, next to Sea Dragon Dive Center), [40]. Free WiFi. Restaurant and bicycle rentals on-site. 180 baht for a dorm-bed (sleeping 6) to 250 baht for a dorm bed (sleeping 3) or 400 baht for a double bed room. edit
- Tony Lodge, 6/27 Moo 5, Bang Niang (~50 m north of the Bang Niang 7-11, inland side of road), ☎ +66 76 443 500, [41]. All rooms offer A/C, fridge, balcony, safe. Swimming pool. WiFi. 900-1,700 baht depending on season. edit
기타편의 시설
- When calling within Thailand, strip off the country code and add a zero before the number. "+66 76 485 762" becomes "076 485 762".
- English language books and magazines are sold in the Nang Thong Supermarket and in the area's only bookstore, The Book Tree.
- International newspapers are printed in Khao Lak via the NewspaperDirect Network[42] and can be ordered or bought in some local shops and hotels.
- Landline telephone, satellite phone and all mobile phone systems are available. Internet can be had in hotels, resorts and internet cafés.
- There is a post office at the north end of Bang Niang (inland side of road) and one in Lam Kaen, a village about 3 km south of the Khao Lak headland.
- Internet cafe: one good one is at the Khao Lak Pearl Travel Agency (also known as Tour@Khaolak), some 50 m down Nang Thong Rd towards Nang Thong Beach (turn towards the beach at the Nang Thong Supermarket). The manager, ไข่, (Kai, rhymes with "eye") speaks good English, and she is very helpful with enquiries.
- Internet cafe: Coffee & Internet, a shop located on the inland side of Rt 4 in Bang Niang, a few hundred metres north of the Bang Niang 7-11. Open 9:00-21:00. Serves good coffee. Has 10+ desktops loaded with Skype, etc., and a printer available for use on a charge per page basis. 40 baht per hour.
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