태국통계(유니세프 발표 2013.8)
Basic Indicators |
Under-5 mortality rank |
128 |
Under-5 mortality rate (U5MR), 1990 |
35 |
Under-5 mortality rate (U5MR), 2011 |
12 |
U5MR by sex 2011, male |
13 |
U5MR by sex 2011, female |
11 |
Infant mortality rate (under 1), 1990 |
29 |
Infant mortality rate (under 1), 2011 |
11 |
Neonatal mortality rate 2011 |
8 |
Total population (thousands) 2011 |
69519 |
Annual no. of births (thousands) 2011 |
824 |
Annual no. of under-5 deaths (thousands) 2011 |
10 |
GNI per capita (US$) 2011 |
4420 |
Life expectancy at birth (years) 2011 |
74 |
Total adult literacy rate (%) 2007-2011* |
94 |
Primary school net enrolment ratio (%) 2008-2011* |
90 |
Nutrition |
Low birthweight (%) 2007-2011* |
7 |
Early initiation of breastfeeding (%), 2007-2011* |
50 |
Exclusive breastfeeding <6 months (%), 2007-2011* |
15 |
Introduction of solid, semi-solid or soft foods 6-8 months (%), 2007-2011* |
- |
Breastfeeding at age 2 (%), 2007-2011* |
- |
Underweight (%) 2007-2011*, moderate & severe |
7 |
Underweight (%) 2007-2011*, severe |
1 |
Stunting (%) 2007-2011*, moderate & severe |
16 |
Wasting (%) 2007-2011*, moderate & severe |
5 |
Overweight (%) 2007-2011*, moderate & severe |
8 |
Vitamin A supplementation full coverage (%) 2011 |
- |
Iodized salt consumption (%) 2007-2011* |
47 |
Health |
Use of improved drinking water sources (%) 2010, total |
96 |
Use of improved drinking water sources (%) 2010, urban |
97 |
Use of improved drinking water sources (%) 2010, rural |
95 |
Use of improved sanitation facilities (%) 2010, total |
96 |
Use of improved sanitation facilities (%) 2010, urban |
95 |
Use of improved sanitation facilities (%) 2010, rural |
96 |
Routine EPI vaccines financed by government (%) 2011 |
100 |
Immunization coverage (%) 2011, BCG |
99 |
Immunization coverage (%) 2011, DPT1 |
99 |
Immunization coverage (%) 2011, DPT3 |
99 |
Immunization coverage (%) 2011, polio3 |
99 |
Immunization coverage (%) 2011, MCV |
98 |
Immunization coverage (%) 2011, HepB3 |
98 |
Immunization coverage (%) 2011, Hib3 |
- |
Immunization coverage (%) 2011, Newborns protected against tetanus |
91 |
Pneumonia (%) 2007-2012*, Care seeking for suspected pneumonia |
84 |
Pneumonia (%) 2007-2012*, Antibiotic treatment for suspected pneumonia |
65 |
Diarrhoea (%) 2007-2012*, Treatment with oral rehydration salts (ORS) |
57 |
Malaria (%) 2007-2012*, Antimalarial treatment among febrile children |
- |
Malaria (%) 2007-2012*, Children sleeping under ITNs |
- |
Malaria (%) 2007-2012*, Households with at least one ITN |
- |
Adult HIV prevalence (%) 2011 |
1.2 |
People of all ages living with HIV (thousands) 2011, estimate |
490 |
People of all ages living with HIV (thousands) 2011, low |
450 |
People of all ages living with HIV (thousands) 2011, high |
550 |
Women living with HIV (thousands) 2011 |
200 |
Children living with HIV (thousands) 2011 |
– |
Prevention among young people (aged 15-24), HIV prevalence among young people (%) 2011, total |
0.2 |
Prevention among young people (aged 15-24), HIV prevalence among young people (%) 2011, male |
0.3 |
Prevention among young people (aged 15-24), HIV prevalence among young people (%) 2011, female |
0.2 |
Prevention among young people (aged 15-24), Comprehensive knowledge of HIV (%) 2007-2011*, male |
– |
Prevention among young people (aged 15-24), Comprehensive knowledge of HIV (%) 2007-2011*, female |
46 |
Prevention among young people (aged 15-24), Condom use among young people with multiple partners (%) 2007-2011*, male |
– |
Prevention among young people (aged 15-24), Condom use among young people with multiple partners (%) 2007-2011*, female |
– |
Orphans, Children orphaned by AIDS (thousands) 2011 |
– |
Orphans, Children orphaned due to all causes (thousands) 2011 |
– |
Orphans, Orphan school attendance ratio (%), 2007-2011* |
93 |
Education |
Youth (15-24 years) literacy rate (%) 2007-2011*, male |
98 |
Youth (15-24 years) literacy rate (%) 2007-2011*, female |
98 |
Number per 100 population 2011, mobile phones |
113 |
Number per 100 population 2011, Internet users |
24 |
Pre-primary school participation, Gross enrolment ratio (%) 2008 -2011*, male |
98 |
Pre-primary school participation, Gross enrolment ratio (%) 2008 -2011*, female |
101 |
Primary school participation, Gross enrolment ratio (%) 2008-2011*, male |
91 |
Primary school participation, Gross enrolment ratio (%) 2008-2011*, female |
90 |
Primary school participation, Net enrolment ratio (%) 2008-2011*, male |
90 |
Primary school participation, Net enrolment ratio (%) 2008-2011*, female |
89 |
Primary school participation, Net attendance ratio (%) 2007-2011*, male |
98 |
Primary school participation, Net attendance ratio (%) 2007-2011*, female |
98 |
Primary school participation, Survival rate to last primary grade (%) , 2008-2011*, admin. data |
- |
Primary school participation, Survival rate to last primary grade (%) , 2007-2011*, survey data |
99 |
Secondary school participation, Net enrolment ratio (%) 2008-2011*, male |
68 |
Secondary school participation, Net enrolment ratio (%) 2008-2011*, female |
76 |
Secondary school participation, Net attendance ratio (%) 2007-2011*, male |
77 |
Secondary school participation, Net attendance ratio (%) 2007-2011*, female |
83 |
Demographic Indicators |
Population (thousands) 2011, total |
69519 |
Population (thousands) 2011, under 18 |
17111 |
Population (thousands) 2011, under 5 |
4270 |
Population annual growth rate (%), 1990-2011 |
1 |
Population annual growth rate (%), 2011-2030 |
0 |
Crude death rate, 1970 |
10 |
Crude death rate, 1990 |
5 |
Crude death rate, 2011 |
7 |
Crude birth rate, 1970 |
38 |
Crude birth rate, 1990 |
19 |
Crude birth rate, 2011 |
12 |
Life expectancy, 1970 |
60 |
Life expectancy, 1990 |
73 |
Life expectancy, 2011 |
74 |
Total fertility rate, 2011 |
2 |
Urbanized population (%), 2011 |
34 |
Average annual growth rate of urban population (%), 1990-2011 |
2 |
Average annual growth rate of urban population (%), 2011-2030 |
2 |
Economic Indicators |
GNI per capita 2011, US$ |
4420 |
GNI per capita 2011, PPP US$ |
8390 |
GDP per capita average annual growth rate (%), 1970-1990 |
5 |
GDP per capita average annual growth rate (%), 1990-2011 |
3 |
Average annual rate of inflation (%) 1990-2011 |
3 |
Population below international poverty line of US$1.25 per day (%) 2006-2011* |
0 |
Public spending as a % of GDP (2007-2010*) allocated to: health |
3 |
Public spending as a % of GDP (2007-2010*) allocated to: education |
4 |
Public spending as a % of GDP (2007-2010*) allocated to: military |
2 |
ODA inflow in millions US$ 2010 |
-11 |
ODA inflow as a % of recipient GNI 2010 |
0 |
Debt service as a % of exports of goods and services 2010 |
5 |
Share of household income (%, 2005-2011*), poorest 40% |
17 |
Share of household income (%, 2005-2011*), richest 20% |
47 |
Women |
Life expectancy: females as a % of males 2011 |
109 |
Adult literacy rate: females as a % of males 2007-2011* |
96 |
Enrolment ratios: females as a % of males 2008-2011*, Primary GER |
99 |
Enrolment ratios: females as a % of males 2008-2011*, Secondary GER |
108 |
Survival rate to the last grade of primary: females as a % of males 2008-2011* |
- |
Contraceptive prevalence (%) 2007-2012* |
80 |
Antenatal care (%) 2007-2012*, At least one visit |
99 |
Antenatal care (%) 2007-2012*, At least four visits |
80 |
Delivery care (%) 2007-2012*, Skilled attendant at birth |
100 |
Delivery care (%) 2007-2012*, Institutional delivery |
99 |
Delivery care (%) 2007-2012*, C-section |
24 |
Maternal mortality ratio , 2007-2011*, Reported |
12 |
Maternal mortality ratio , 2010, Adjusted |
48 |
Maternal mortality ratio , 2010, Lifetime risk of maternal death (1 in:) |
1400 |
Child Protection |
Child labour (%) + 2002-2011*, , total |
8 |
Child labour (%) + 2002-2011*, , male |
8 |
Child labour (%) + 2002-2011*, , female |
8 |
Child marriage (%) 2002-2011*, married by 15 |
3 |
Child marriage (%) 2002-2011*, married by 18 |
20 |
Birth registration (%) 2005-2011*, total |
99 |
Female genital mutilation/cutting (%) 2002-2011*, prevalence, women a |
- |
Female genital mutilation/cutting (%) 2002-2011*, prevalence, daughtersb |
- |
Female genital mutilation/cutting (%) 2002-2011*, attitudes, support for the practicec |
- |
Justification of wife-beating (%) 2002-2011*, male |
- |
Justification of wife-beating (%) 2002-2011*, female |
- |
Violent discipline (%) + 2005-2011*, total |
- |
Violent discipline (%) + 2005-2011*, male |
- |
Violent discipline (%) + 2005-2011*, female |
- |
The Rate Of Progress |
Under-5 mortality rank |
128 |
Under-5 mortality rate, , 1970 |
102 |
Under-5 mortality rate, , 1990 |
35 |
Under-5 mortality rate, , 2000 |
19 |
Under-5 mortality rate, , 2011 |
12 |
Annual rate of reduction (%) Under-5 mortality rate, 1970-1990 |
5 |
Annual rate of reduction (%) Under-5 mortality rate, 1990-2000 |
6 |
Annual rate of reduction (%) Under-5 mortality rate, 2000-2011 |
4 |
Annual rate of reduction (%) Under-5 mortality rate, 1990-2011 |
5 |
Reduction since 1990 (%) |
65 |
Reduction since 2000 (%) |
34 |
GDP per capita average annual growth rate (%), 1970-1990 |
5 |
GDP per capita average annual growth rate (%), 1990-2011 |
3 |
Total fertility rate, 1970 |
6 |
Total fertility rate, 1990 |
2 |
Total fertility rate, 2011 |
2 |
Average annual rate of reduction (%) Total fertility rate, 1970-1990 |
5 |
Average annual rate of reduction (%) Total fertility rate, 1990-2011 |
1 |
Adolescents |
Population aged 10-19, Thousands 2011 |
10192 |
Population aged 10-19, Proportion of total population (%) 2011 |
15 |
Adolescents currently married/ in union (%) 2002-2011* , male |
- |
Adolescents currently married/ in union (%) 2002-2011* , female |
15 |
Births by age 18 (%) 2007-2011* |
8 |
Adolescent birth rate 2006-2010* |
47 |
Justification of wife-beating among adolescents (%) 2002-2011*, male |
- |
Justification of wife-beating among adolescents (%) 2002-2011*, female |
- |
Use of mass media among adolescents (%) 2002-2011*, male |
- |
Use of mass media among adolescents (%) 2002-2011*, female |
- |
Lower secondary school gross enrolment ratio 2008-2011* |
91 |
Upper secondary school gross enrolment ratio 2008-2011* |
64 |
Comprehensive knowledge of HIV among adolescents (%) 2007-2011*, male |
- |
Comprehensive knowledge of HIV among adolescents (%) 2007-2011*, female |
46 |
Disparities By Residence |
Birth registration (%) 2005-2011*, urban |
100 |
Birth registration (%) 2005-2011*, rural |
99 |
Birth registration (%) 2005-2011*, ratio of urban to rural |
1 |
Skilled attendant at birth (%) 2007-2012*, urban |
100 |
Skilled attendant at birth (%) 2007-2012*, rural |
100 |
Skilled attendant at birth (%) 2007-2012*, ratio of urban to rural |
1 |
Underweight prevalence in children under 5 (%) 2007-2011*, urban |
5 |
Underweight prevalence in children under 5 (%) 2007-2011*, rural |
8 |
Underweight prevalence in children under 5 (%) 2007-2011*, ratio of rural to urban |
2 |
Diarrhoea treatment with oral rehydration salts (ORS) (%) 2007-2012*, urban |
50 |
Diarrhoea treatment with oral rehydration salts (ORS) (%) 2007-2012*, rural |
59 |
Diarrhoea treatment with oral rehydration salts (ORS) (%) 2007-2012*, ratio of urban to rural |
1 |
Primary school net attendance ratio 2007-2011*, urban |
98 |
Primary school net attendance ratio 2007-2011*, rural |
98 |
Primary school net attendance ratio 2007-2011*, ratio of urban to rural |
1 |
Comprehensive knowledge of HIV (%) Females 15-24 2007-2011*, urban |
43 |
Comprehensive knowledge of HIV (%) Females 15-24 2007-2011*, rural |
47 |
Comprehensive knowledge of HIV (%) Females 15-24 2007-2011*, ratio of urban to rural |
1 |
Use of improved sanitation facilities (%) 2010, urban |
95 |
Use of improved sanitation facilities (%) 2010, rural |
96 |
Use of improved sanitation facilities (%) 2010, ratio of urban to rural |
1 |
Disparities By Household Wealth |
Birth registration (%) 2005-2011*, poorest 20% |
99 |
Birth registration (%) 2005-2011*, richest 20% |
100 |
Birth registration (%) 2005-2011*, ratio of richest to poorest |
1 |
Skilled attendant at birth (%) 2007-2012*, poorest 20% |
93 |
Skilled attendant at birth (%) 2007-2012*, richest 20% |
100 |
Skilled attendant at birth (%) 2007-2012*, ratio of richest to poorest |
1 |
Underweight prevalence in children under five (%) 2007-2011*, poorest 20% |
11 |
Underweight prevalence in children under five (%) 2007-2011*, richest 20% |
3 |
Underweight prevalence in children under five (%) 2007-2011*, ratio of poorest to richest |
3 |
Diarrhoea treatment with oral rehydration salts (ORS) (%) 2007-2012*, poorest 20% |
56 |
Diarrhoea treatment with oral rehydration salts (ORS) (%) 2007-2012*, richest 20% |
54 |
Diarrhoea treatment with oral rehydration salts (ORS) (%) 2007-2012*, ratio of richest to poorest |
1 |
Primary school net attendance ratio 2007-2011*, poorest 20% |
97 |
Primary school net attendance ratio 2007-2011*, richest 20% |
98 |
Primary school net attendance ratio 2007-2011*, ratio of richest to poorest |
1 |
Comprehensive knowledge of HIV (%) Females 15-24 2007-2011*, poorest 20% |
47 |
Comprehensive knowledge of HIV (%) Females 15-24 2007-2011*, richest 20% |
43 |
Comprehensive knowledge of HIV (%) Females 15-24 2007-2011*, ratio of richest to poorest |
1 |
Comprehensive knowledge of HIV (%) Males 15-24 2007-2011*, poorest 20% |
- |
Comprehensive knowledge of HIV (%) Males 15-24 2007-2011*, richest 20% |
- |
Comprehensive knowledge of HIV (%) Males 15-24 2007-2011*, ratio of richest to poorest |
- |
Early Childhood Development |
Attendance in early childhood education 2005-2011*, total |
61 |
Attendance in early childhood education 2005-2011*, male |
60 |
Attendance in early childhood education 2005-2011*, female |
61 |
Attendance in early childhood education 2005-2011*, poorest 20% |
55 |
Attendance in early childhood education 2005-2011*, richest 20% |
78 |
Adult support for learning ++ 2005-2011*, total |
89 |
Adult support for learning ++ 2005-2011*, male |
90 |
Adult support for learning ++ 2005-2011*, female |
89 |
Adult support for learning ++ 2005-2011*, poorest 20% |
86 |
Adult support for learning ++ 2005-2011*, richest 20% |
98 |
Father's support for learning ++ 2005-2011* |
57 |
Learning materials at home 2005-2011*, Children's books , total |
43 |
Learning materials at home 2005-2011*, Children's books , poorest 20% |
25 |
Learning materials at home 2005-2011*, Children's books , richest 20% |
71 |
Learning materials at home 2005-2011*, Playthings ++, total |
55 |
Learning materials at home 2005-2011*, Playthings ++, poorest 20% |
58 |
Learning materials at home 2005-2011*, Playthings ++, richest 20% |
49 |
Children left in inadequate care 2005-2011*, total |
13 |
Children left in inadequate care 2005-2011*, male |
14 |
Children left in inadequate care 2005-2011*, female |
13 |
Children left in inadequate care 2005-2011*, poorest 20% |
18 |
Children left in inadequate care 2005-2011*, richest 20% |
7 |
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