태국북부 242

태국 산악부족 크메르족/Khmer 족 자료(영문)

The Khmer are the people who built the powerful Khmer Kingdom in Cambodia in 800 AD. to last for over 600 years. We can see the great Khmer monuments in Cambodia and in North - East Thailand. to learn more about the Khmer people and their kingdom read my book "Along The Maekhong River and The Cambodian Border The Khmer people make up about 90 percent of the population of Cambodia. Many Khmer al..

태국산악부족 흐몽메오족/Hmongmeo 족 자료(영문)

The Hmong, known in Thailand as Meo [Which is not a nice word], are found in many countries in Sout-East Asia such as Laos, Yunnan and Viet-Nam. The Hmong belongs to the Meo - Yao branch of the Austro - Thai linguistic family. There are about 130,000 [including 60000 refugees from Laos living in camps located near the northeastern border of the country]. The Hmong in Thailand are scattered thro..