동남아A/캄보디아 63

킴보디아 시엡리업/씨엡리업/시엡립바. 나이트라이프 정보

The Bars... Siem Reap’s nightlife stretches to near dawn these days with Pub Street coming to life around dusk and the last bars and clubs in town closing as late as 4:00AM. Nightlife venues are scattered across the town but many of the most popular bars and pubs are clustered in the Old Market area, especially along and around ‘Pub Street’ (Street 8.) The bars in the area offer some grea..

캄보디아 시엡리업/씨엡리업/시엡립 레스토랑정보

Dining Out in Siem Reap For a comparatively small town, Siem Reap offers an amazing range of cuisines and dining venues. The emphasis is, of course, on Khmer food, which can be found at restaurants across town, but European and other Asian cuisines are also well represented, including Italian, Thai, German, Vietnamese, Indian, Chinese, Korean, Japanese and, of course, French. Given Cambodia's l..

태국방콕에서 캄보디아 씨엡리업/시엡리업가는 방법

Aranyaprathet, Thailand/Poipet , Cambodia (아란야쁘라텟-뽀이펫-시소폰-시엡리업) Cambodian visas and Thai transit visas available on arrival at the border. Cambodian E-Visa accepted at this crossing. 캄보디아 비자와 태국체류비자가 국경 도착시 가능하다. 캄보디아 E-VISA가 이 국경에서 허용된다. Open 08:00-20:00(개방시간은 오전8시에서 ..